So I am home! I traveled all day Saturday and got into San Fran late Saturday night. Steve and the kids came to pick me up from the airport and it was wonderful to see my kids and hubby! I missed them terribly. I talked to them on the phone at least THREE times a day while I was gone! Just a little homesick...ha ha! When I walked in the door, my house was spotless and clean. I mean dishes done, carpet swept, laundry done, and....Steve even put clean jammies out on the bed for me with some clean towels so I could shower before bed!! Isn't he the sweetest husband? He did great with the kids and didn't have a problem while I was gone. He sure made this trip a lot easier for me by doing such a great job.
As soon as I landed in San Fran, it was non-stop from there. Went to bed Saturday night, got up at 600 AM Sunday morning to get to Church by 715, so I could prepare for Sunday's lesson. It has just been busy ever since. Today I did nothing but school work all day to be prepared for this week at school. I just got home from class tonight where I had to do a teacher demonstration for "Collage." It went great. I left class a little early cause my husband had his championship softball game with the Church tonight. I am anxiously awaiting is arrival to see if they won or not. He is really competitive and wants to win it badly! I am soooooo glad the softball season is over. Monday nights are just so busy for him and I am in class, so it will be less chaotic on Monday's now!
I have a busy week ahead of me. Only three more weeks of speech and I am done....YEA!!! I have a speech every class until it is over though....boooo!!!! I probably won't be posting much the next couple of weeks. Friday and Saturday I will be baking all day and then spending Saturday evening at the church setting up my "Fall" table for my bake sale on Sunday. I have some YUMMY recipes to make and can't wait to sell them! I will take lots of pictures. I found some great recipes in my "Southern Living" cookbook! If you haven't ever bought one... GO DO IT! They are awesome!
Here are TONS of pictures. They are a little out of order, so I apologize. It was such a fun time with my mom and sister! My mom's party was great. Greg had it catered and even a bartender there to do all the work. Everyone wore black veils (like we were at a funeral) and most everyone wore all black! They even decorated a port-a-potty for my mom and a walker! It was very comical. They had black flowers on her cake. If you have ever dealt with black icing before, you know that it stains. Quite a few people were walking around with black lips, black teeth, and black tongues. It was a riot!I met alot of my mom's great friends and even got to see some old friends from when I was a pre-teen! They couldn't believe how grown up I was....ha ha! I can't wait to go back to Savannah for Thanksgiving with my family! We are going to have a great time taking Golf cart rides, swimming, and eating some goooood food!!! Yummy!
Me and my sister, Elissa.
Here is the house I grew up in for a few years. My mom still owns this house, but currently rents it out. It is a beautiful house, but nothing compared to alot of the houses out on The Landings! It actually is bigger than it looks. This house was built in phase 1 of the Landings. The pics of the other houses I have on here are from Phase 2 and 3. My bedroom was the window to the left of the door. This brings back alot of memories of my childhood here.....the not so great years....Middle School, what I am experiencing with Chelsea....ha ha!
Yes, they have alligators on the island too. They live in the lagoons all around The Landings. When we first moved here I remember my mom and step-dad sitting us down and giving us instructions on what to do if we ever got chased by an alligator. They were told that sometimes the gators are attracted to dogs and we walked our cocker Spaniel, Charlie, alot! I was so scared the first few months we lived there!!
Aunt Brandy and Ava playing together. It was really great to finally meet my niece Ava. She is so adorable and cute and has the biggest, chubbies little cheeks ever. She looks alot like my nephew, Dillon!
The Spread.....oh boy was it good food too!! I love the food in the South!! I sure do miss Savannah alot!