So yesterday I was in a hurry to get the pictures posted and to say a little about the here is a little more!!
My day was busy busy yesterday! I had a field trip with Tyler to a farm in Vellejo in the morning and we had a blast. I will post pictures of our trip later. Then it was a busy day around the house...not sure what I was doing, but it seems I never have time to sit down. Well, then Steve and I went out to eat for our Anniversary. Let me tell you, it was FABULOUS!! We went to my second favorite restaraunt in California....Johnny Carino's!! Yummy Italian food! Everything you get there is just delicious! I love it there! My first favorite place is Bubba Gump's down at Fisherman's Wharf, but we didn't have enough time to plan for that!! I am holding out until Mindy gets here to go and get some delicious shrimp!! So, it was a nice time alone for a couple of hours. We usually don't do much on birthday's and Anniversary's because we know we will have plenty of time for that when the kids are out of the house!
So, I thought I would share a little about our relationship before we got married! Steve and I met in April of 1997, at Denny's where I was working. Yes, I was his waitress! He was sitting with a bunch of friends and one of them I knew from school. So, one thing led to another and we ended up meeting out on Park Ave (that was the happening place to hang out when we were younger) so he could give me a ride on his motorcycle! The ball kept rolling there, we went to the movies and bowling, out on motorcyle rides, and hung out at my house watching movies often. It was so much fun! We met in April (Spring Break) and continued our relationship through the summer. One thing he forget to tell me when we started dating was that he was already signed up to leave for Boot Camp in August!! We had a long talk and I promised him that I would wait for him no matter what and that is what I did. Six LONG weeks later, I joined his family on an adventure down to Texas to see him graduate from Boot camp. He then took off to Tech school and then got orders to England. It was rough for him to be away, but I believe it made our relationship stronger. We were able to say things to each other in letters that maybe never would have been said in person. Things are sometimes easier to write than to say face to face! Looking through my pictures, I found tons of cards and letters from Steve when we were dating and engaged. It was so sweet to re-read these letters after all this time. He was such a sweet and compassionate man....and still is!! I plan on holding onto these letters and passing them on one day to my children. I think it will be fun to see how "in love" we were in our letters!
Anyways, we dated for a year and then when I went to England to visit him in May of 1998, he proposed- as you saw in yesterday's pictures. We set a date a year from that moment....May 29th 1999 would be the magical day!! It has been blissful and awesome ever since. I wouldn't trade one moment for anything in the world!
So here are some pictures from our wedding day. I finally got them scanned and it actually didn't take very long at all!! I am going to start scanning alot of pictures cause they just sit in this big huge tub not doing anything. It is amazing how many pictures a person accumulates over the years! I can't imagine how many I will have ten more years from now!!
Enjoy the pics!!!
This is me getting ready! Can you tell in my face that I am a little nervous here??