Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Tomorrow's My baby girl's Birthday!!!

Jaelyn dressed as Barbie!!
Mommy and Jaelyn
Giving kisses......
Playing Playstation
She really does know what she is doing!!!

Well, tomorrow is a bittersweet day for me!! My little girl is turning three. I am sure some of you are rolling your eyes thinking what is the big deal, but it is a big deal to me. When I had Jaelyn, Steve and I decided to finalize it and make sure we didn't have any more children. We knew we were done and three kids are enough. My husband always worries about financially being able to provide for them, giving them nice birthdays, taking nice vacations, etc...which is smart. Right now though my heart is sad that we made it so final. Don't get me wrong, I am loving the toddler years and enjoying being able to have more freedom, but I still miss the sweet smell of that tiny little baby and rocking him/her at night, just humming a tune as their little eyes, so naive and full of trust, fall asleep in your arms. I love being needed and the older Jaelyn gets (and my other kids too) the less they need me, or want my help for that matter. Jaelyn is such an independent little girl, she is strong-willed and bull-headed (like her father!!!) and thinks she can rule the world now! I know she is only three and she still needs me, but there are so many little things that I will miss about the infant stage. So a little about Jaelyn...she is such a smart little girl, she loves playing playstation (and is actually good at it), she loves to read books, she loves to play with babies, but also play with Cars and boy toys, she loves Shrek, and she knows how to manipulate her brother and sister. I always say that if I had her first, there wouldn't have been any other kids, but that is so untrue cause I did have her first....her name is Chelsea Renee'. The Lord knows what He is doing when he helps us forget those painful labor pains, or the temper tantrums in the middle of the store, or how we felt so tired and weary after being up all night with a sick kid! Yes, cause if we truly remembered how each moment felt, then I don't think as many people would be having children!!! I love my kids and couldn't imagine a day without them and don't want to imagine a day without them. Sometimes I find myself getting way ahead of myself and thinking that I don't have much time with them because soon they will be going out into the real world! I start feeling nervous and sad and find myself getting all worked up about something that isn't going to happen for a while. It does help me realize how fast time goes and that I need to make sure I am cherishing every moment with my kids. I love my kids and only want the best for them. I thank God everyday for trusting me with these sweet little spirits and know that as long as I am teaching them about Jesus.....then everything will be ok.