Just thought I would get on here real quick and share this video of Jaelyn. She cracks me up! She always has something funny to say, or running around singing, or just dancing around the house. I KNOW this girl is going to be in entertainment someday. I PRAY that it's for the Lord! That would be awesome.
I am so torn emotionally with her cause I look at her and am so excited that she is growing up and becoming such a precious little girl, but then I get upset cause I am losing one of my babies. It is even more sad because there isn't another baby replacing this baby...Jaelyn is it. I am coming into a new stage in my life and am not sure how to take it. Some days are exciting, while other days are very depressing. In October Steve and I went up to the Maternity ward to visit our friends (young) that just had their first baby. As we walked through the doors I got emotional knowing that I won't ever be on the other side again. It is a one way door for me from now on and that just broke my heart. It is final with us (I had my tubes tied last c-section) so there is a finality about the whole thing, but I am looking forward to the time I am going to have with my husband one day. I will have him all to myself! We don't know or at least can't remember what that is like!
So here is a video of my little girl that keeps me entertained for now, until that day that she has to leave me and start that wonderful journey in her life called school. I cherish every moment I get with my kids knowing that time goes by way to fast. Even in the tough moments, I try to think that one day I will miss ALL of these moments. Chelsea is growing up too fast also and I want to look back when she is grown and not regret one moment of missing any part of her life.
So now I am introducing....Ms. Jaelyn Kaye Ousley LIVE!!!!
Thanks for all the well wishes. I am hoping for the best. Yeah the past week has been rough but I am doing better and the mini vacation will be nice. I LOVE THE VIDEO OF Jaelyn. I shared it with my co-workers and they just think she is so adorable! I keep watching it over and over. She is so funny. I hope you guys have a good Christmas. I will make sure that I put the new pictures up as soon as possible! Hugs from Ohio.
oh my gosh Brandy, she is hilarious, I was laughing so hard at the end! what a fruit cake, and a cute one to boot!! :o) she sure reminds me of Haylee!!
what a cutie. you are right, time is flying by. i wonder if that is one reason why i am just cherishing Haylee & waiting to have baby #2. i just think it's SO very bitter sweet how fast they grow up. i can just imagine Haylee waving at me through a car window as she's driving off to college. my heart is sad just thinking about it!
let's just try not to miss a moment of how small they are!!
Jaelyn is absolutely PRECIOUS!
Kris and I CRACKED up over this video...how sweet is SHE!? Love you guys and miss you...so glad you got your gifts today! WHEW! Give us a call tomorrow if you get time.
Hey guys that is an awsome video. Our future actress in the family. Brandy keep the videos coming, we watched it three times.
Elissa, Sam, Dillon, Ava
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