Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Three down, one to go....

Yes, that is how many sick kids I have right now! Tyler started the whole thing, so I will blame him! Just kidding! I kept Tyler home from school today cause he woke up with a fever once again. I sent G and Chelsea on to school and sure enough I got a phone call from G's school saying he is running a fever. Arghhh....of course! I kind of expected it, but secretly sat with all my fingers and toes crossed hoping it wouldn't happen. That's what I get!
Tyler is on the couch and Jaelyn is lounging in the chair, and poor G is up in his bed. At least he has a tv to watch while he just lays there. Poor kids.
I am just PRAYING (not crossing my fingers and toes anymore) that I don't get whatever this is they have. It will be very bad if I do get it.
I am hoping our house is sick-free by the end of this week, but I won't hold my breath. So far, Chelsea doesn't show any signs of being sick thank goodness.
I will have to post pictures when the kids all get better! Have a great week everyone!


Melissa De Mers said...

oh no - sorry to hear your kids are sick! haylee's after school care called today to say she was running a fever. but when i got home (20 mins later) to take her temp, it was 98.5. it was fine! she was sleeping at school though, i know she's STILL not feeling well. i hope we all kick it soon! not fun!

praying you don't get it too!

Elizabeth said...

I'm praying for you all!

Mindy said...

Oh no! Sick kids! It's true when one gets it it seems like you ALL get it. UGH. Thinking of you guys....glad G had a good party. Hoping the kids are better really soon and that the next 6 weeks FLY by.