Thursday, September 25, 2008

"Mommy, your hair looks horrible!"

Words from my 4 yr old little girl as we are walking out of the Beauty Salon. Tonight I took all three of the kids to get their hair cut at the Beauty Salon. As we were walking out, I told them all how great they look and Jaelyn yells to me through the parking lot- "And Mommy your hair still looks horrible!" I had to laugh. She is so right, so how can I say anything to her? She did eventually tell me that I am still beautiful a few minutes later though. I am glad she isn't judging me from hair. Boy would I be in trouble with her!

Things are flying by here. I can't get over how quickly time is going! My goodness! I feel like I don't get the chance to breath anymore. It makes me happy though cause each day that flies by is another day closer to my husband coming home. I am finishing up my third week of work and I feel like I have already been working months. There is never a dull moment in this house now at all. I am now FULL for the next two weeks! I can only have four other children besides my own and so I now have four extra children running around my house. I am amazed at how quickly I filled up, even though one is temporary. I also found out yesterday that the baby has a slot at the Child Development Center and next Friday will be his last day. When I took him I knew he was temporary, but I will be sad to see him go. I can't wait to see what child will take his slot. That is the exciting part about daycare, you never know what kind of personality is coming next!

My kids are doing great too! They are busy in school and playing with their new friends. Jaelyn and I have been working on school work each day and she is so smart for her age. She cracks me up because she is so excited about doing her "homework." I think it's because she feels older like her big sister and big brother. I still can't get over her going to Kindergarten next year. It will be an interesting time for her because she still tells me everyday that she doesn't want to go to school.

Steve is doing wonderful and working hard. He is busy working out at the gym six days a week and working six days a week too. He definitely enjoys his day off that he gets once a week. Poor guy, I can't wait for him to come back home and enjoy his "normal" job again. As soon as he gets back from over there, he will be testing for Master Sgt. I can remember when he first put on Ssgt and thinking what a wonderful day it will be when he gets to sew on Master and now that day will be here soon. I am so excited about him testing for Master and making it because that opens the door to some opportunities to get out of here!

I am so excited that we are almost half way done with this deployment. I looked on the calendar today and noticed that I am under ONE HUNDRED days now! (I am counting down to the 1st of the year though) How exciting is that? Each month has a milestone and they just keep coming faster and faster! Right now I am working on a Church cookbook and will be selling it as a fundraiser for our Children's Church. This weekend I will be busy typing up TONS of recipes and getting them organized and ready to print, then it will be fun putting them all together and making the cover for it too. After the cookbook, I am working on our Church Harvest Festival. This will be our first HUGE one that we have and I have alot of work cut out for me. Even though I have been keeping busy with work and working at the Church, I have still been growing more and more in the Lord each day. It is only because of HIM that I am able to keep on going each day. There are many days I would love to just crawl back into bed and stay there until my husband comes home, but have learned to lean on God for everything.

I hope everyone's Fall is going good so far! Before you know it, Christmas will be here and I am not even ready yet. Each year I feel like it keeps getting more and more over-rated. I noticed the other day in the BX they already have Christmas trees and decorations out! What? It's only September!!!

Check back soon for some exciting news I have to share! Next Thursday evening I should have a great post!!