Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The post I have been waiting for....

Ok. So I have been waiting for this day for two weeks now! Everyone knows that I have been working hard at getting in shape and losing weight, so now I lost the HAIR! I love it too. This isn't the greatest picture cause I was all ready for bed, but at least you can see how short I went. I am so excited about it and love love love it! I am hoping to make my life as simple as possible and I think this will help.
I will take more pictures tomorrow when the sun is out and my face is all fresh and done. Speaking of my face, I think my hormones are changing in my body. I did get a year older this month, so I guess it's bound to come. I feel like a teenager though! My face is breaking out like something horrible. Luckily I have a great friend who sells skin care products, so I am looking to make a purchase!
Things are great around here. Very busy though and I am tired and sluggish lately. I have started the past few nights to stay up late and then 5 AM roles around way too soon! I am hoping to get back into my routine of going to bed early soon. Right now I am working on our Church cookbook and just trying to get it done. We have alot of recipes and so it's alot of typing. I am getting it done and excited to see the final product. Thank goodness for my good friend Heather cause she has helped me so much with this production.
I hope you like my new hair cut. I am thrilled with it and so happy. Not sure if I will go back to long hair again, but time will tell.
Please keep our Church and family in your prayers. The kids and I are doing great and hanging tough during this deployment, but we could use all the prayers we can get. Mostly for strength for me being a single parent during this time. It takes alot of work and alot of energy. My Church is in a financial situation still and we are just hanging on by a thread. We need some kind of miracle to come up with some finances to keep us going. Please pray that we find a way to come up with this money.
Hope everyone is doing well!


Elizabeth said...

Very cute do!!!! I love my new short hair too....don't know if I've posted a pic yet.
If you know someone who sell Mary Kay...they have a lot of great acne products...if you don't know anyone, I sell it and I'd be glad to get you something!
Take care and God bless!

Melissa De Mers said...

hey brandy!! i love your new hair do! i am a firm believer that shorter hair is IN and longer hair is OUT. ;) especially for busy girls like us! (well you are more busy than i

i love it! i will say some prayers for your church and i'm sad i missed your HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY BRANDY!
