Saturday, May 23, 2009

A little tired....

So I am a little tired and put the pictures first and wrote These aren't exciting pictures, but at least I put some up here. I will have more after this weekend, so come back to visit soon...

The packers have arrived!
Ready to go to the Hotel!

It's almost all packed and ready to put on the truck..
More packed stuff. It sure does make you look like you have alot when it's all in boxes.

Back at the hotel playing in the hot tub!
The kids are loving being in a hotel. My kids have to be the best kids ever when it comes to traveling. They love being in a hotel, flying on airplanes, and even living out of a suitcase! I don't like the suitcase part of all.

I am sitting here in a hotel room just exhausted from all the work this week. It has been a busy, non-stop week filled with packing, moving, cleaning, and emotions. It is so hard to explain to people how stressful a move is on a person.

Monday night was our last night in our house. It was kind of sad trying to sleep that night, knowing that things were going to be crazy from that next morning on. I will miss that house so much, but am ready to move on to our new adventure. That is what we have been calling it lately, our new adventure.

Tuesday we moved into a hotel room on base. They were pretty nice living arrangements with two bedrooms, a kitchen, and living room. We weren't there at all during the day due to the movers packing at our house. Once we arrived there and it got darker outside, a bunch of bugs started coming out all over the place inside! It was horrible because if you know Jaelyn at all, you would know she has a huge fear of bugs! Tyler and Jaelyn were crying and couldn't sleep, Chelsea was complaining that they were everywhere, and I was not sure how well I would sleep with the bugs crawling all over the wall. We were going to try and stick it out until the next day, but by 1030 that night I had had enough! I started packing our stuff and we called the desk to get a new room. Unfortunately they didn't have any for us and we then had to move off base to Vacaville. It worked out really well though cause this place has a pool and is closer to all of our friends and our church!

The movers were at our house for three days and they finally packed the last box on the truck on Thursday. It was a long three days as they packed and moved our stuff, but we found things to keep us cleaning. Boy was that house a mess! Places you don't think to look and clean on a daily basis were just filled with dust bunnies.

So we are now going to hang out here at this hotel until the 1st. We then hop on a plane and head out to Ohio to visit friends and family and watch my little sister get married. I am now able to focus more on the bridal shower, now that the moving part is over. I am excited to spend time with my family and friends.
I will have plenty of time now to update my blog, so I am sure you will be hearing from me plenty. Oh yeah, did I mention I went back to school in the middle of all of this? Yep, online. It isn't my first choice of how to get my education, but with our situation of going overseas, it is my only option right now. This is what works and fits for ME and for MY family. I am so excited and have been trying to keep up with all of my homework in the middle of all of this chaos. I like to be busy and so far I am doing a good job of it.
I will be posting lots of pictures over the weekend of all the events we have going on! So stay tuned....

Friday, May 8, 2009

Stressful Times...

I don't even know where to begin how stressful these last few weeks have been for not only me, but my whole family. Moving isn't easy, but moving out of the COUNTRY is an even more difficult task. We are making it work though. Just when we think we have things planned out and in writing, it changes. Not too many things have gone according to our plan, as of yet. Hopefully that will be changing soon.
It's been a while since I have updated my blog, but I will re-cap our life as best as I can. We finally got our orders to Spain. We couldn't do a thing without this one piece of paper. When we finally got our orders, the ball really started rolling with things. We had to make travel arrangements, set up a pack date/shipping date, set up shipping our car, and lots more that I won't bore you with. It's a lot of work, that's for sure. So we have most of those things done. We will be flying home to Ohio and then driving from Ohio to New York to catch our flight to Spain. I am excited about spending a day in New York. I have always dreamed of going there and seeing the "big city" and wasn't sure it would ever happen, well now it is going to happen!
The movers are coming in a week and a half to pack our stuff up and ship it off to Spain for us. At this point we move into billeting, which is a temporary living facility. It's pretty much a small furnished apartment. We will be living there for ten days, then we fly out to Ohio. In the midst of all this, we have had complications with travel arrangements for our dog, Samson. We found out a few days ago, that we will have to leave him behind for a week or so with his Grandma in Ohio. This was a very, very hard pill for me to swallow. I said from the get-go, that Samson was going with us no matter what the stress, no matter what the cost. Well, it turned out the airlines had a different plan for me. There isn't much we could do, since it was up to the airlines. It will be ok though because I know that he will be following us a week later....just tell that to my heart as I drive away and leave him behind.
We have had some exciting things go on in the midst of all of our chaos. My mother n law came out here last Thursday to help us with our move. We had a great time putting her to work. We spent all day Friday setting up for the garage sale for Saturday. We woke up to rain, but it didn't stop us from making some sales. Then Saturday afternoon we had Jaelyn and Tyler's b-day party together. Tyler really wanted his b-day party before we left and with all of his friends. His real birthday isn't until June 12th. We had a blast. It was a little crazy and loud- the place is called "Kidz Gone Wild", so use your imagination. The kids had fun, the adults were happy when it was over. We then woke up Sunday and went to Church, watched some movies, and shopped. It was alot of fun having company for the last time in California. We were really sad that Mike and the kids couldn't have come too.
I think that about covers it all. I have tons of pictures to share. Some may be boring to most, but I enjoy looking at the pictures too! I will be blogging more often now, since I am officially unemployed. I am ok with being unemployed right now though, trust me, I don't have time to work at this point in the move.
I will probably be blogging tomorrow as well because it is my baby's birthday tomorrow! Jaelyn Kaye Ousley is turning 5! I can't believe how fast the time has went. More tomorrow...enjoy the pictures.

This is my little man Damon! He was my youngest and my most attached. This little guy was so much fun and I am going to miss him terribly. He was calling me "nanny" with a long A sound. It was so cute.

Chelsea up bright and early for our garage sale!

Grandma freezing her boody off!

Steve waiting for the customers...
Jaelyn trying to stay dry.

Steve putting Jaelyn's training wheels on her new bike she got for her birthday.


Tyler is wild....LOL. This is a huge slide the kids were running down.

Steve and Jaelyn shooting some hoops.

Grandma and Tyler at the bottom of the slide. Tyler couldn't hardly breath from laughing so hard.

Jaelyn and Grandma cooling off in the fan after working up a sweat!

Jaelyn and her twin girlfriends, Hannah and Tess.

Jaelyn getting some much needed rehydration.

Tyler getting a nerf gun for his b-day. This isn't the only one he got for his birthday and I can't even tell you how many bullets and balls were flying around my house this past weekend. Tyler, Grandma, Jaelyn, and Steve had a few shootouts. I would like to think that it was the kids that started it, but I have a feeling it was the adults. So I decided to get involved and went out and bought myself an automatic nerf gun! Jaelyn and I did a sneak attack on Tyler as he walked in the door from school. It was so much fun!

enjoying some cake and ice cream.

Tyler and Grandma settled in for a movie. It was nice to find some time to relax too...

Chelsea ready to watch a movie too...she looks a little shocked here...LOL..

Not sure what Chelsea is doing here. They all look pretty comfy though huh?

We even went bowling while Grandma was here. Jaelyn kicked everyone's butt!

She is one talented little girl! If you look closely at her ears, you will see that they are now pierced! We all went to the mall so Jaelyn and Chelsea could get their ears pierced. Jaelyn did so good and her grandma was so proud of her!

Steve and Jaelyn waiting for their turn to bowl.