So I just got home about an hour ago from class and picking up Jaelyn and it is tooooo quiet here for me. It feels weird and strange not having my children running around here playing and fighting or running in and out of the house! Jaelyn is so tired from her first day of pre-school and is passed out on the couch right now. She had a great time today with Ms. Saira. I think it's going to be really good for her.
I walked Tyler up to his class this morning since it was the first day of school and am glad that I did. I REALLY like his teacher, Mrs. Santini. She came out this morning (we met her yesterday too at the orientation) and greeted each of the children by name and then hugged them!! It was so sweet. She seems like she is going to be a great teacher. I think the hardest part of kids being in school is that you worry about getting a good teacher for your child!
I then took Chelsea to her school and dropped her off too, but I didn't walk her up to her class. She is getting too old for that I guess. She left me feeling very confident in her first day, so I wasn't as upset as I thought I would be. I just told her to remember that it's every 7th graders FIRST day today and everyone is new! That helped her alot!
My first week of classes went great. I have Friday's off, which will give me a day to work on all of my homework and not intrude on my family time during the weekends. I love ECE Creative Arts class, ECE Music class, and my ECE Science class. History and Speech are going to take alot more work for me to enjoy. My first day of Music class we all had to sing a fingerplay as part of our introduction. It was sooooooo much fun. We all joined in each song that we knew and also learned some new ones. I can't wait to apply everything I learn once I start working in the childcare area again....wherever that may be!!
So here are some pictures of our visitor and this morning getting ready for school.
Our little visitor...bun-bun is her name. We acquired her from our neighbor that just moved out of their house that is attached to us...Chelsea's best friend. They couldn't find their bunny a home, so guess who took her temporarily...yep me. I WILL be looking for her a new home when I get the chance this weekend. I would really like to keep her, but right now she is just not in our budget. (so says my husband) Hopefully I can find her a really good home soon. Little bunny "chaser." Jaelyn won't leave Ms. Bunny alone and she follows the bunny all over the house! Poor bunny....
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Back to school and our little visitor!!
Posted by Brandy's Adventure at 1:29 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 20, 2007
Cooking with my kids and back to school for me...
So tonight was my first night back to school and it was my ECE Creative Arts class and boy is it going to be a fun one! I am so excited about this class and can't wait to go back next week. For my homework, I have to make an "All about me" book. It is going to be fun to make because her rule is that ANYTHING you do in the class, you have to do it with the opposite hand you work with. So for me a right handed person, I have to use my left hand!! AND we have to draw it! This is horrible for me cause I can't even draw with my right hand! You would not believe the concentration it takes to draw with my left hand, it is almost painful! SHe wants us to see what it is like for a child to do art! What a creative idea!
Tomorrow morning is the class that I fear most....SPEECH!!! Yikes!! This is going to be absolute torture for me! I am trying to go in it with a positive attitude, but it isn't working very well. I am PETRIFIED to speak in front of a group of people! It's a good thing I have been doing my Bible study (momtime) on Thursday's, this has given me good practice.
So today the kids and I made a Chef Boyardee pizza together. It was fun to cook with my kids. They were so excited about their creation!! I am trying to do something fun each day with them before they return to school on Thursday.
Chelsea goes for her orientation tomorrow morning for Jr. High. She gets her schedule and gets to tour her school. I am really sad because it is my first day of my speech class so I can't miss. Steve gets to take her this time. It is good cause he missed out on all the "first day of school stuff" last year while he was deployed.
I am excited about this semester. It is going to be overwhelming I can tell already. I have several projects due in this class tonight that I need to get started on right away and that is just for this one class! My goal this semester: Not to procrastinate!!!!
Mr. Chef boyardee himself!! Isn't he handsome? Can you tell that we all had a lazy day today? I don't know how many times he checked the pizza in the 20 minutes that it cooked. Jaelyn and Tyler had a great time cooking together today. Ok. I can't believe I am posting this pic of me and Tyler because I look horrible, but this is me with no makeup, no hair do, on my lazy day!
These two stayed in the kitchen the whole time the pizza was cooking. They had a nice conversation about cooking, the pizza, and how much time was left while the pizza cooked. It was so cute to listen to them chat away together.
Posted by Brandy's Adventure at 8:33 PM 1 comments
Saturday, August 18, 2007
A quick post...
I am sorry about the slack in blogging, but it has been totally and completly crazy around here. Here's a little of what has been going on around here...
Skuttle (our new bird) is doing great and I have actually taught him how to whistle a certain whistle. I didn't think he was getting it at all until three days ago, now he loves to whistle and he sings little birdie songs too. He has a cute personality. If you want an easy pet, a bird is the way to go.
Anyways, back to my crazy life. After we got back from a camping a few weeks ago, we got a call for a foster child....a two year old. It was interesting because when they called they needed an answer right then, well we agreed to take him. They called us back and said that they had another home that would take him too and they would call us if they needed us to take him...well they never called back and the phone hasn't rang from my agency since. At first I was a little bummed about the whole thing, even though I don't need another toddler in our life right now, but now I know that God has a plan for us and it will all work out one way or the other.... I am learning patience.....slowly.
So right now I am focusing on school and if we get a call then we do, but I am not going to sit here and fret about it anymore. I was kind of hoping that by the time I posted again I would be posting about our foster child, but there again, I am wanting it my way...Not the Lord's way...
Yes back to school... we have been shopping for clothes for the kids, getting school supplies, making sure the school has all the paperwork (for Chelsea for middle school..), and buying books for me! School starts for me officially on Monday, but my online class has already started. So I have been online already trying to get a good start on that class. The kids' first day of school is Thursday (not sure of that one) so this week we are getting back into the routine of getting to bed early and up early...YIKES!!!
I have also learned that I get a reaction from something in pain medicine and muscle relaxers. A couple of weeks ago, my shoulder was bothering me really badly so I resorted to a pain pill that my doctor prescribed and ended up deathly sick the next day. The same night I took the pain pill I pulled something in my neck, so the next day I woke up sick from the medicine, shoulder still hurting, and unable to turn my head without being in excruciating pain!! It was horrible! Soooo no more pain medicine for me!
Ok...well that's about it for me the past few weeks! Oh wait...did I mention babysitting everyone's kids in there somewhere? The past few weeks I have been babysitting a one year old three days a week (temporarily and now I am done) and the twins here and there! My house has been full of kids and I wouldn't have it any other way! I cleaned up the garage and made it a play area for all the kids and they have a blast in there!
Here are a few pics of my cutie Jaelyn. She is going to be going to pre-school two days a week while I am in my one daytime class! She is excited to go, but doesn't want to leave mommy! It will be tough the first day.
Oh don't be scared by the picture...yes she has a black eye!! Oh I forgot to tell you about the emergency room visit...oh lovely little three year old daughter got new flip flops in the midst of school shopping and well she tripped while wearing it once we got home and fell right on the coffee table and split her eye open on her eyebrow!! It was very scary and I thought for sure that she was going to have to have stitches, but luckily they were able to just glue it shut! She was such a trooper and won over all the workers in the ER!! She was telling them what happened and that her eye was "dripping" (that would be the blood!!) and had everyone cracking up laughing at her. I was so proud of her because she didn't cry at all after it initially happened.
We also had an incident with Chelsea running into a tree last Friday, so now I am just waiting for something to happen to Tyler. At least they are getting it all out of the way before school starts!! Chelsea is fine, although she scraped up her face really good. I thought for sure she broke her nose. She was rolllerblading down a hill on a path and couldn't stop and tried stopping herself with the tree. Oh she stopped was very scary for me too cause I wasn't sure if she gave herself a concusion or what!! Well, we are all healing now and ready for school to start.
I probably won't be posting as much anymore due to my school schedule. It is going to be a crazy semester, so I am not sure how much time I will have to get on here. We will see after the first couple of weeks!! WIsh me luck, I am trying to make it on the Dean's list again this semester!!!
I will keep you posted about our Foster care too! I know that phone call will be coming sometime, but until then I will just pray for that little boy out there!
Here are a couple pictures of my sweet girl. The next day after it happened she woke up with a black eye!!
Posted by Brandy's Adventure at 8:50 PM 2 comments