Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What was that?

This is my worst fear...that a huge earthquake hits and destroys everything. This is a picture of the San Francisco City Hall after the 1906 Earthquake. Pretty sad isn't it?

That was an earthquake! Last night as Steve,me, Chelsea and G were sitting in the living room watching tv, we felt the whole EARTH move!! Yes, we experienced our FIRST and hopefully ONLY earthquake last night at 7:29 pm. It was in Green Valley, Ca, which is the next town over!
I was sitting on the couch and felt the whole thing move. It kind of takes you by surprise at first cause your not sure if you are imagining things or if it is real. It's such a surreal feeling. It was a 3.9 on the Richter scale, which isn't that big, but big enough to me. My complete fear since being here in California is that a huge earthquake will happen.

On other news, G is leaving us next week to go to a new home. I have mixed feelings about this because although I know it's best for him, I am going to miss him very much around here. I know my kids are heartbroken too. He is actually very excited and can't wait to leave, but I am sure (or hoping) it's just a coping mechanism. He is going to miss more around here than he realizes and I just hope that he had a good experience while he was here. So, G is leaving for the weekend to get to know his new family and my husband and kids are leaving this weekend to go and see family back home. That leaves me ALL ALONE! I am not happy about this, but I am going to make the best of it. I am going to get alot done around the house preparing for preschool and get all the exercise in I can. Who knows, I might live at the gym while they are gone?

It's also the end of the year again. I am happy to see my kids finish up another school year, but sad that they are moving up to another grade. That means they are getting closer to graduating. Chelsea will be going into the 8th grade next year, Tyler in 2nd grade, and Jaelyn in my preschool. Where has the time gone? The older I get the faster it goes and it makes me so sad because these are the years I want to be enjoying the most.

Be looking for me to be posting lots next week due to having NOTHING else to do around here. I haven't been alone, by myself for a week in years. I am not even sure what to do with myself. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to leave them in my comment box...Lol. Please pray that we don't have anymore earthquakes while I am all alone!