Friday, December 28, 2007

Checking In!

My computer is acting up and is not letting me download or upload my pictures to anywhere! I am so mad, but wanted to post on here about my day.
Today G called his grandma. I told him he should because he didn't call on Christmas or anything. He called her and they were on the phone for over an hour. I was so happy, but at the same time sad. I heard him say how "Foster Care really sucks" and "I don't want to be in it anymore." I was sad to hear it. I know it sucks to be in Foster Care, but I was hoping that we were making it a little bit easier on him? I was just so sad to hear him talk to his grandma like that. I heard him answering questions about us, which made me wonder if she was thinking it was OUR fault that he felt like this. I don't know. So, I have been thinking about it all day and it's hard NOT to take it personal, even though I know I shouldn't.
The other thing was as soon as he got off the phone he asked if he could call his social worker? I said "Sure, Why?" and he said because he needed to talk to her about weekend visits with his Grandma. I had to remind him that I did call her a when he first got here and asked if he was able to have weekend visits and she said "no." I told him that everything he has asked me, I have called her and asked. So, I told him that if he wants to, he can call and discuss it with her himself so he can hear her answer too. He said "ok." So that is what I am going to do. Call his social worker on Wed of next week. It might be something he needs to hear straight from her instead of me. There are reasons why his grandma can't have him for the weekend, but he fails to see that. So, I have been trying to go over everthing in my head, wondering why this has offended me or bothered me so much, but it has. This is why I changed this blog to my journal. Just hoping to get things off my chest. I know how hard it is to be away from family and I know this sucks for him greatly, please don't think that I am insensitive at all to G's feelings. I totally know how he feels at this moment. I just was hoping deep down inside that we were making it just a little bit easier while he is going through this.
Tonight my prayer is for G. Lord, I know this is a tough time for him, to be completly away from ALL of this family. I pray that you give G a peace in knowing that eventually things will get better. I know this is not where he wants to be Lord, no matter how badly "I" wish that he would. I lift up G's family to you Lord, that his mom realizes the turmoil she is putting her child through and would get plan done so they can all be together again. I want to lift up all children in foster care, wishing deep down inside they could be with their family. G is a different situation due to him being older and having been attached to some of his family members. Please Lord, give him a peace and joy, until they can be re-united again one day. I pray that you give me the wisdom to know what to say or do when he is feeling blue like this. It just breaks my heart.
Thank you for all that you have done and for bringing G into our lives. ONe way or the other, I know that You have a plan for G and for us. In Jesus' name we pray....
P.S. I am loving WW and have seen a small difference on the scale already. I know it is cause I am down to ONE Mt Dew a day, the rest is water! Tonight I came in under my points by 1! So I am just quiting while I am ahead! Tomorrow I am back to the gym! Wish me luck!


Melissa De Mers said...

hi brandy ~ wow i think i would have taken offense to what G said as well. you are, after all, only human. he IS a child though, and even when your life isn't as hard as what he's been thru, alot of times you think things are unfair (even when they aren't). who knows, maybe he's had a bad day. maybe he just wishes that HIS "real" family would be like his fostering family. it could be a lot of things. i'm not saying you shouldn't feel hurt, because you have a right to be. i don't think you're being insensitive to his feelings at all.

i just pray he realizes that what he has now is a blessing. he will one day, even if not today. you know? it's kind of like when you're teenager and giving your parents heck and one day you have kids of your own and you realize that your parents weren't so bad after all.

hang in there...have faith in God. keep your strength renewed. just know you are doing the right things. good things will come out of this for everyone!

hope your family has a happy new year!

love ya,