Monday, January 14, 2008

Loving Weight Watchers....

Sorry to take so long to get back on here! It has been a busy past week. Kids back to school and trying to work in gym time along with appointments had me busy! I love every minute of it though!
I have officially lost 8lbs! I am so proud! It is a little slower than I like, but this is a lifestyle change. I have to keep reminding myself of that when I see small numbers each week. I have been going to the gym at least four times a week now too. It feels so good and I feel much better about myself. I am hoping that I can continue this on once I start school, but we will see. I will at least continue eating healthy, but not sure how much gym time I will get. Anyways, I have been working real hard at getting healthy, so that doesn't leave me much time on the computer very much. It's interesting cause with WW there are Healthy Guidelines that they want you to try and meet each day. Well, dairy and oil is my hardest to meet. I was on WW message board and saw that a lady posted about mixing her oil into a glass of milk and drinking it just so she gets them both in! Well guess what I do now? Yep, I drink milk and oil! It doesn't mix very well, but there really isn't any bad taste to it at all! I get them both in for the day and can focus more on getting my fruits and veggies!
Well, we had a rough past couple of weeks. We were having problems with G's former foster family. It has all been settled now though. It really is a long story and I am not sure I can post it on here, but just know that it all turned out ok in the end. I did alot of praying and my prayers were answered! Don't we serve and awesome God? G's birthday is coming up so we have been doing a lot of planning for that. I don't really think he has had a REAL birthday party before, so we are thinking about having it at Scandia. They have go-carts, rock climbing, laser tag, and all kinds of video games there. G is so excited and already trying to figure out who all he is going to invite. I am so excited for him and can't wait until we celebrate his day! He is going to be 13! Wow! I am going to have a teenager in my home! Soon to follow is Chelsea and boy will I be in trouble!
Well, I am in a rambling mood tonight, but need to get to bed. I haven't been getting much sleep cause my shoulders are bothering me really bad lately. I am not sure if it's the weather or what, but they give me a lot of trouble at night. They say I have arthritis in them, but I think I am TOO YOUNG for that!
Tonight I am going to end my post in prayer as always. My prayer tonight is for G. Court is coming up in less than two weeks. From what the sw is telling me that they will give Mom another six months to work on her plan, but at the same time they will be working on a permenant plan for G. This means adoption. She asked if it was something that we would be interested in and I had to tell her probably not. My heart was broken at first, but there are many reasons right now that we should not adopt. I am not saying this is our final answer, but most likely we will have to see G go to a permenant home else where. This isn't something that is going to happen right away, but just know that within six months he will probably go to a new home, an adoptive one. Please don't judge and like I said it's not final yet, but when we went into doing foster care we agreed that unless we BOTH feel that we should adopt, then and only then we will. We have only had G for two months and I don't think that is long enough for us to make a final decision just yet. I believe we are still in the honeymoon phase, although we have quickly started moving out of it! Not that it's bad, but G's showing more and more of his personality each day!
Lord, I lift this precious child up to you tonight, G. He has the sweetest smile and they biggest heart Lord. I just pray for Your will in his life and ours Lord. If we are not meant to adopt G Lord, I pray for the family out there that is looking for a child. A child to call their own. I thank you each and every day for bringing G into our lives and I pray that during his stay here that he has come to not only know You, but grown closer to You each day. I pray that if and when it comes time to leave our home, that he knows he ALWAYS has You to turn to in his time of need. I also want to lift up his brother and sister to You Lord. It is most likely that these three siblings are going to be broke apart if they are adopted out. I just pray that maybe there is a family out there looking for a sibling group of three so they can stay together. You are an almighty God and I trust in You that everything will work out. My heart breaks for these children tonight, but also for their mother. As a mother, I could not even imagine being away from my children at all, and my heart goes out for G's mom tonight. I pray that some way, some how, she comes around and realizes the mistake she is making in letting these children go. Please be with G's brother and sister tonight with their situation. I am so heart broken over these children. I thank you for all that you have done and all that You are going to do.
In Jesus' name we pray....


Elizabeth said...

I am praying for you and your family in all your life situations. And CONGRATS about losing weight!!!! That is so awesome...hopefully you will be able to keeping going to the gym at least some when you start school. I am praying for G also and God's will in his life!
God Bless,

Anonymous said...

YEAH! I was so glad you posted! OK, as far as "G", no one would judge you I wouldn't think! This would be a very, very, very BIG decision and I know you, and you would only do what the Lord is leading you to do, so don't worry, He will show you each step. I think it is wonderful that you want to foster children and provide them with that temporary stability in their life and also to lead them to the Lord or be able to plant those seeds in their young life! So just here to support you and surely never to think bad of anyone wanting to give children a chance to a home whether that be temporary or through fostering or adopting. It is a calling only the Lord gives you!

NOW.....CONGRATULATIONS on the 8 lb. weight loss!!! That is so exciting. I love Weight Watchers too. I think you know, but I lost almost 50 lbs. on it back 5 yrs. ago. I put back on 35 of it. I have lost 22 pds. through chemo and I am eating SOOOOOO healthy now. Getting in my 5 servings of vegetables and 3 servings of fruit and really cutting out ALOT of carbs.....try to stay at 45 a day or less and no more than 40-45 grams of fat a day. Cutting back on red meat too and any meat that has hormones in it!!!!! Breast cancer is fueled by hormones. I have learned so much about breast cancer and how our diets play a part in that and also being overweight and diabetic. I was definitely overweight (obese actually) according to the weight charts and pre-diabetic which meant my insulin would spike, and getting no excercise and high cholesterol. ALL bad risk factors for cancer and heart. It makes me sad and disappointed in myself Brandy.

BUT the Lord clearly showed me to focus on the future not the past. So, I am doing what I can nutritionally and leaving the rest in the Lord's hands. I know I won't leave this earth one minute before I am suppose to and that gives me peace.

So proud of you for being serious about our health. It creeps up on you before you know it. Making those lifestyle changes now you will reap the benefits in years to come. Keep it up! So so proud of you. I know the battle that it is.

Glad you updated your blog. And good luck with your classes this semester.

OH! And how nice you are planning a great birthday party for "G". Such a bummer we can't see the pics :(
