Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Spiritual Journey this week

This has been a busy and crazy week! I can't believe tomorrow is Friday already. Time just keeps slipping away from me. A few times I have got on here and sat and stared at the blank page and think "what should I write?" I come up with so many ideas throughout the day and then when it comes time to put it out here, I go blank! It drives me insane. Maybe that's because I am not a "true" writer? I don't know?

Alot has been weighing on my heart this past week. So many thoughts and ideas going through my head and it seems I am always thinking about something. Where does God want me? What am I doing to please God? I am constantly questioning myself. This can be a good thing because it motivates me to always do better and always try to be pleasing to God, but it can be bad too when you are always questioning yourself.

This week I have been questioning- "Am I doing the right thing opening my preschool?" It just seems like I have had to jump through hurdles and hoops to get to this point, the point of just needing a signature on my license, and now here I am waiting again. It just seems to be dragging and not going at my pace and finishing on MY time. Does this mean that this isn't what God wants me to do? I think not. This is just the devil trying to work me down. Yes, down. The more I connect with God and do things pleasing to Him, the harder the Devil is going to work on me. I use to think this was kind of odd, the devil and God battling it out over people, but it is true. I can see the devil working on me this past week. It can be as simple as sneaking negative thoughts into my head, or having me think that I shouldn't open my preschool cause it's not opening on MY time. I am just so thankful that I know better and can see when the devil is trying to get me down. He doesn't just do this to me though, he does this with everyone. He is a sneaky devil and sometimes when we are caught up in the moment we fail to see him at his best, getting us down.

So today I am standing firm and holding my ground against the devil. How do I do this you might ask? Thank you for asking! I read my Bible as much as possible, do my devotions daily, but most importantly.....I PRAY! Yesterday was a rough morning and as I was wiping the table, I just started praying and telling the devil to GET OFF MY BACK!! There was a dumb song going through my head and it was a bad one too. I had heard it on TV somehow and it just kept going through my head. So I just stood and prayed. I didn't hear that song the rest of the day! Thank you Jesus!

I know this sounds a little off the wall for me and if you had known me about 12 years ago, you would never had heard these words coming out of my mouth, or written on a blog, but I am here to tell you that we need to be more BOLD in our Faith and speak out more often. We need to become stronger and bolder in Faith and learn to be prayer warriors.

So I hope you join me on my Spiritual Journey and read your Bible, do your devotions, and pray cause I can tell you right now you will feel a renewal in your Faith and Spiritual life. I don't claim to be perfect or to know everything. I am by FAR the furthest thing from being perfect, but I am at least trying. Trying to do my best at being a parent,being the best wife possible to my husband, being good to my family members, and being pleasing to God, but I can't do a single one of these things without God in my life. I learned that many years ago and sadly, I am still learning this today.

"God does not expect us to question or change or compromise His commands; He expects us to simply trust Him and obey Him. That's the way to find spiritual blessing and happiness"
- Part of my devotions this morning- "My Time with God"


Anonymous said...

Wow! Moving post. I know I have shared a little of this with you already... but, with your hubby away, I can't imagine having to play ALL roles alone. I am sure you get tired. The combo of the devil and weariness is a MEAN mixture.
Hugs and prayers coming your way.

Christian said...

Just wanted to say thanks to you and your husband. It is guys like him (and mine too!) that keep the bad guys from repeating 9-11 again. Looking forward to your next post!