Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Been gone too long.... no pictures once again! My computer is still not right and Steve has it on his to-do list before he leaves in two day!
Where do I even start? It has been crazy since I last posted. My grandma is out of the hospital and doing pretty good. I talk to her pretty much everyday to check in on her. They had to take her knee cap out, so she no longer has one of those, but should still be able to walk pretty normal after she heals. She is one tough cookie and is working hard to heal so she can still come out here!
I have now dropped all of my classes. I was hanging on to the Math class, but my schedule while Steve is gone is just crazy! I haven't had a moment to rest and relax since dropping my classes and he is still here. Tuesday's are crazy busy because G has a two hour visitation with his mom which is about 25 min away, so I will drop him off on Tuesday's right after he gets out of school, run back here to base and grab Chelsea, then go pick up G and drive the opposite direction (about 20 min away) to the Church for them to make it to Youth Group by 6:30. Somewhere in there, I have to find time to feed the kids! Then I wait for an hour and a half while they are at Youth Group! Sounds like fun huh?? So that will be my Tuesday's! G is doing great by the way. We celebrated his 13th birthday yesterday! He had a great day! He was able to celebrate with his mom, grandma, uncle, aunt, and his brother and sister yesterday! It made his day! I know he misses his family so much. Most kids after a visit can act out because they are angry, well not G, he actually is in such a better mood when he comes back. It just confirms that he needs to be with his family.
Since the last time I posted, I also lost Jaelyn's daycare provider. About two weeks ago she gave me notice. I knew she was moving, but thought it was March or so, well it's next week!! I just lost track of time! They are moving to Nevada and I am now out of a daycare provider! I am so sad! So I had to inform Tyler's teacher that I can no longer help out in his class until I find somewhere else to take Jaelyn! When it rains it pours, let me tell ya!
My final and last update is...Steve got tasked. Yes, he will be leaving me this summer. Due to security reasons I can't give alot of details, but he will leave this summer and it will be for six months. He has a date that he has to be "in place" by. The BIG "Praise the Lord" is that he will be going to a much safer zone than his last deployment! They don't even have to take weapons, that's how safe it is! I am so happy for this, you just don't even know! It looks most likely that he will not be home for Christmas this year, but I already was counting on that. It's just that now we have official word about the deployment. I am finding myself through this whole thing though. I know that sounds really unusual and weird, but I have really been evaluating myself and realizing that I am much stronger than I ever thought I was or could ever be. I know the rest of this year is going to be rough. Do I want my husband to leave?No. But I know that I will come out of this a better mother and for sure a better wife. You learn very much to appreciate very very small things about your husband while he is away. It definitley makes the heart grow founder, that is so true. I know my husband is in the Lord's hands, as well as me and the kids. I don't have to worry, in fact, the Bible tells me NOT to worry! I should leave that all up to the Lord! So that is what I am going to do. I am going to enjoy every moment with my husband that I can, and while he is away, I will focus on me and taking care of myself and the kids. It isn't easy being the mommy AND the daddy, there will be moments that I will cry myself to sleep wondering how I will ever make it through another day without my husband, but those will be the moments that I turn my face to God and know that he will be there with me and help me get through those moments. I will find strength in Him to get through that next day of taking care of the children all alone.
Once upon a time, I told my husband (well he was my boyfriend back then) that I would wait for him, this is as he was debating on leaving for the Air Force back in July of 1997. I can remember the day so clearly. We were out in my back yard standing by the trampoline. It was the first time I ever saw Steve so upset. He didn't want to leave me and was actually thinking about NOT joining the Air Force, his long-time dream. I promised him that I would be waiting for him when he returned from Boot camp, and I still mean that to this day. I will wait for matter how long it is...I meant it then and I still mean it's a promise.

Lord I just want to thank you for these last few days with Steve. I pray Lord that You watch over him and give him traveling mercy's as he drives for three days to Texas Lord. I know that You will be with him as he is away from his family these next six weeks. I pray for strength, patience, and endurance for myself these next six weeks. I know that I can do anything with You on my side. I want to thank You in advance for all that you are going to do, and I thank You for my four beautiful children. I am so blessed Lord and there isn't a day that doesn't go by, that I don't stop and give You praise for my life.....Thank You...

* Just one last thing, I forgot to mention that Steve leave Friday afternoon to drive to Texas. He has to be there by Monday afternoon and I just am asking for you to pray for him as he travels for three days on the road by himself. He doesn't enjoy driving and so I know it will be tough for him to drive 11 hours at a time. Please keep him in your prayers this weekend.
I promise I won't take too long to update next time. Next dedicated to Chelsea. There has been some updates with her!