Saturday, October 18, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday!!!

Samson!! Today is Samson's birthday and we celebrated it in style. Not really, but I did make him a doggie birthday cake and he LOVED it! He was the King of the day today. I bought him some bones, a retrieving toy, and of course his cake with a candle.

Some people might think we are crazy, but we treat Samson just like a family member. He stays inside with us, sleeps in our room (in our bed since Steve is gone), and also is treated like a family member. One of our rules on our fridge even says, "Samson is to be treated like a family member."
It amazes me that we have had Samson for a little under three years already. They have been wonderful years, this dog is the best dog in the entire world. I couldn't imagine NOT having Samson in our lives, he is just that special to us.

I hope that Samson has many many more birthdays and eventually gets to see more of the world. Most of our family back home have met Samson and they love him just as much as we do!

Happy Birthday Samson, we love you very much!


Anonymous said...

While this was loading, I thought it was one of your children!! :)

Samson is adorable!!! Give him a scratch behind the ear from me! :)

BTW- I didn't know you lost that much weight! *high five*, girl!!

Christian said...

Thank you for your sweet comments about moving. It is hard, but you are right, my heart is where my fam is!

AND, I love the candle for the dog. I know they aren't people, but they are such a big part of our lives.