Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day and goodbye "Survivor"!

Today was a great day with my family and friends. At Church today they did a slideshow dedicated to Mothers and all the kids were in it talking about their moms and why they love them. Most kids said "because she buys me whatever I want." which everyone laughed, but not my girl. Chelsea said she loves me cause I "listen to her and I am her best friend." Sniff sniff...I thought that was the greatest Mother's day gift ever!! I know without a doubt that my kids KNOW that I love them. I may not be able to provide the best toys, the greatest vacations, or the nicest clothes and house, but they know that no matter what mommy loves them! I am so proud of my kids and I love being a mom, there isn't a greater job on this earth that I could be doing! Our Pastor made a bold statement today, which is so true and he said "You are raising your grandchildren." What we put into our children now, the morals, values, and love will carry on into our grandchildren someday! Isn't that so awesome?
So tonight we had our regular small group here at our house and had a blast! We had our Bible study and then we watched the season Finale of Survivor. I am sad to see Survivor go until September, but I am sure I will find something else to fill that void until then!! I just anyone else as sad as me that Yau man didn't win??? I felt so bad that he lost a NICE truck and a MILLION dollars, but he maintained his character the whole time!! I can't wait until next season!
Well I hope everyone had a GREAT Mother's Day!!! I will post pictures tomorrow cause it is not letting me attach pictures for some reason....